Funeral or wake programme booklet template

This is a template document in Microsoft Word format for making a programme-booklet for a funeral or wake.

It does not have any particular order of service.   Instead, there are sections where you can fill in whatever is happening during the funeral that you are planning.

class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">

Downloadable funeral programme template

This booklet is designed to be printed on one US-Letter or A4 sheet of paper,  which is folded in half to make an A5 size booklet with four pages.   
Suggested contents are
  • Front cover:   the deceased's name and dates, and either a picture of them or an inspirational photo.
  • Inside left side:   Wake / Funeral programme details
  • Inside right side: Wake / Funeral information details continued
  • Back cover:         Message of thanks and any follow up information the family would like to share

This is the cheapest type of booklet to make, and the simplest to print and put together.   You can print it yourself, or you could use it to bring together information which a graphic designer can use to make a more professional-looking booklet.

How to use the template

Make a copy of the file by right-clicking on the Word picture, and choosing the right option (eg save target as, save file as) to save the file into your computer.

Open the document, and go to Page 2.
  • On the right hand side, put in the deceased's name (into PERSON NAME).
  • If you have a picture you want to use, replace the cross with it.
  • Put in the date and location underneath the photo / cross.

Go to Page 1.
  • Put in the names of the priest, servers, musicians - and anyone else you want to add.
  • Work through each section of the Mass.   In each place where there are CAPITAL LETTERS you need to add details.    
  • To make space to add hymn-words, you may need to remove some things (eg words of the Mass parts and Our Father), or to make the font smaller.

Go back to Page 2
  • Complete the funeral service details
  • Complete the thanks message. 
  • Add information about what happens next:   each country and community has different expectations about what happens after a funeral and what information should be given here.

Make a two sheet document

The document can be used as the basis for a two-sheet (ie eight page) booklet by keeping things in order, and considering how the pages will fold together.    

To start a new "page", use the Insert > Break > Column menu option - because the template is made using Word's "Columns" feature.

Copyright acknowledgements

At the very bottom of the page, there is a copyright section, which looks like this:

  • If you put in more than a very brief quote from a poem, book, etc, then you may need to acknowledge the source.
  • If you put in song words, then you may need to add more information about your funeral venue's copyright license - check with your contacts for information about this.

Adding and removing sections

The template is based on the idea of using one row for each "item" or part of your overall funeral.   If you have more, or less,  items than there are rows in the template, then you may want to add or to remove some.

See  Adding and deleting items from Word templates made with tables for help with this.

What does the template look like

This is an example of using the template for a simple funeral-service programme sheet.

The front and back covers 

These are printed on one sheet of paper, which is folded in half

Note:  This is a made-up example:  the names are fake, and the picture was made from  Any resemblance to a real person is not intended.

The inside pages 

These re on a separate sheet - which can be printed on the back of the first sheet, to make a one page booklet

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